
As a peer-run organization, WSTS provides strippers with community, information and resources so they can get respect and get paid. If you’d like to show your support and appreciation by paying us, this is the place to do it. Consider it a tip!

Why donate?

Work Safe Twerk Safe is a volunteer-run, registered national not-for-profit. We do not have government funding. Although our ally organization, Metrac, provides us with some funds for expenses like honorariums for workshop leaders, this funding is provided under the condition that we use it for legal education-related expenses, which means we cannot use it for political advocacy or non-law related events.

For these reasons, we need to fundraise to keep doing the work we do. Our expenses include things such as:

  • Monthly banking fees
  • Honorariums for community members who present workshops to our members
  • Supplies for in-person workshops (including food for participants)
  • Website and domain subscription fees
  • Advocacy projects requiring outside help and expenses, such as our judicial review

We would also like to do more! Here are some things on our wish list of things we would do with more money:

  • Stripper kits for outreach and our members, which would include hand sanitizer, a towel to sit on, and other supplies related to workplace health and safety
  • Paying some of our members to do community research, and paying the research participants
  • More events!

How to donate

We currently have 2 ways you can donate. For general donations, you can send an e-transfer to, and for donations in support of our judicial review, you can donate to our dedicated GoFundMe.

WSTS is not a registered charity, in part because we don’t have the capacity for the paperwork, and in part because not being a charity allows us to freely engage in political advocacy. This means that, unfortunately, we cannot issue charitable tax receipts for donations. But what we can say is:

Thanks, babe!

We couldn’t keep doing what we do without you.

Photo credit: Andre Sebastian on Unsplash